Novice question:<br><br>I have a number of subdirectories, each containing source to be built into their own libraries, which contain many interdependencies. I'm trying to build an executable to link against these libraries, and I'm getting a console full of "undefined reference to..." errors on linking step. The libraries and executable source all compile individually without issue.<br>
<br>Structure is like so:<br><br># top-level CMakeLists.txt<br>project( proj )<br>ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( lib )<br>ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( src )<br><br><br># /lib/CMakeLists.txt<br>ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( lib1 )<br>ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( lib2 )<br>
<br><br># /lib/lib1/CMakeLists.txt<br>include_directories( ${proj_SOURCE_DIR}/lib )<br>set( lib1_SRCS <br> ..... bunch of c++ sources )<br>add_library( lib1 SHARED ${lib1_SRCS} )<br><br><br>
# /lib/lib2/CMakeLists.txt<br>include_directories( ${proj_SOURCE_DIR}/lib )<br>
set( lib2_SRCS <br>
..... bunch of c++ sources )<br>
add_library( lib2 SHARED ${lib2_SRCS} )<br><br><br># src/CMakeLists.txt<br>
include_directories( ${proj_SOURCE_DIR}/lib )<br>set( execthing_SRCS<br> .... bunch of C++ sources )<br>add_executable( execthing ${execthing_SRCS} )<br>target_link_libraries( execthing lib1 lib2 )<br><br><br>All the tutorials I've been reading suggest that this is all that is necessary to build libraries and cmake will handle the dependencies, but linking is failing. System is linux 2.6, gcc 4.2.1. Any point in the right direction would be appreciated. Let me know what other info is needed.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br>Mark<br>