<TITLE>ctest -j N behavior</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hi all,<BR>
Our valgrind checks consume a lot of time, so I was looking into running them in parallel on our 8 core test box. If I run<BR>
ctest –T MemCheck<BR>
All is well. However, if I run:<BR>
ctest –T MemCheck –j 2<BR>
CTest runs the tests, but without valgrind. I’m just guessing that ctest isn’t able to do more than run tests in parallel? If there is some way to do this, please let me know.<BR>
Best regards,<BR>
-- <BR>
<B>Daniel Blezek, PhD<BR>
</B>Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center<BR>
P 127 or (77) 8 8886<BR>
T 507 538 8886<BR>
E <a href="blezek.daniel@mayo.edu">blezek.daniel@mayo.edu</a><BR>
Mayo Clinic<BR>
200 First St. S.W.<BR>
Harwick SL-44<BR>
Rochester, MN 55905<BR>