Hi all,<br><br>My problem is like this...<br>My source tree structure is:<br>Main_folder<br>.. Ident.c<br>..folder1<br>........f11.c<br>........f12.c<br>..folder2<br>......f21.c<br>......f22.c<br>..folder3<br>....f31.c<br>
....f32.c<br><br>Now iam building a library for main_folder as:<br><br>foreach(fname ${folder1_srcs}<br>list(APPEND main_folder_srcs folder1/${fanme})<br>endforeach(fname)<br>foreach(fname ${folder2_srcs}<br>
list(APPEND main_folder_srcs folder2/${fanme})<br>
endforeach(fname)<br>foreach(fname ${folder3_srcs}<br>
list(APPEND main_folder_srcs folder2/${fanme})<br>
endforeach(fname)<br><br>list(APPEND main_folders_srcs Ident.c)<br>add_library(mylib SHARED ${main_folder_srcs})<br><br>Now I am able to get all the source files from all the folders. but the problem is that all folder source files uses one variable v1 of this Ident.c file..<br>
<br>So the error iam getting while building the library is :<br>unresolved external symbol: v1 (iam working on windows VC++)<br><br>I am not getting why the sub directories are not able tio extract that variable v1 from the Ident.c file<br>
Is my way of including the file is wrong..<br><br>Please tell what should i do so that the sudirectories files are able to acccess that varaible v1 from file Ident.c which is outside it as mentioned in above tree structure...<br>
<br><br>Regards-<br>Ankit Jain<br>