I'm building a Win32 zip package from an out-of-source build in a directory c:\mdpqt_HEAD\build.<br><br>When the zip file is created, it has the structure:<br><br>MDP-1.0.0-win32\mdpqt_HEAD\binĀ (and others)<br><br>Can someone tell me:<br>
<br>a) where the "-win32" is coming from, and can I remove it ?<br>b) why the generator is inserting the mdpqt_HEAD directory ?<br><br>I really don't want this to be present, as it is merely the name of the directory in which I happen to be building.<br>
I want to end up with:<br><br>MDP-1.0.0-win32\bin<br><br>Steve Collyer<br>