<div>hi all,</div>
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<div>Iam doing the following through my cmakelist.txt</div>
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<div>add_custom_target(mytarget)<br>add_custom_command(TARGET mytarget POST_BUILD<br>COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar xvf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/t1.tar)<br></div>
<div>this cmakelist is written in subfolder of a mainfolder..</div>
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<div>But the problem is that files are not extracted and it is not showing any error.</div>
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<div>Is iam doing something wrong..</div>
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<div>Same problem with other where iam extracting jar files</div>
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<div>add_custom_command(TARGET mytarget1 POST_BUILD<br>COMMAND jar ARGS -xf $(XERCESDIR)/xmlParserAPIs.jar<br>WORKING_DIRECTORY ${XERCESDIR})<br><br>here i want to extract the files in the smae directory whrer the jar exists.</div>
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<div>is iam doing something wrong here too..</div>
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<div>add_custom_command with output option doesnot seems to work thats why i go with this approach </div>
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<div>ANy suggestion in this regards will be of great help to me...</div>
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