Hi,<br><br>I have set up CPack to generate source and binary packages with the TGZ generator. As I understand, the compressed tar consists of the files located in:<br>${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ/<br>
<br>I want to exclude some files from the package_source target, so I need to reference the above path. Are there any CMAKE/CPACK variable that contains the<br>_CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ/ part of the path? So far I haven't found any, and am currently hardcoding this string in my CPack scripts.<br>
<br>Any hints would be appreciated,<br><br>-- <br>Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian<br><br>Robotics engineer<br>PAL ROBOTICS S.L<br><a href="http://www.pal-robotics.com">http://www.pal-robotics.com</a><br>Tel. +34.93.414.53.47<br>