Hy!<br><br>I'm doing a project where I'm generating 2 libraries for
differents application. The problem is that the dll and the executable
are not in the same directory. Therefore if i need to copy the dll each
time i want to recompile them.<br>
<br><br>The tree of my project is the following.<br><br>./CMakeList.txt (A)<br>./my/<br>./my/lib1/CmakeList.txt (B)<br>./my/lib2/<br>./test1<br>./test2<br><br><br>And in the file CMakeList.txt (A), I have:<br><br>set( EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin )<br>
set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin )<br><br><br>I've found some help on the web and now i I use the install target in the Makefile to copy the .dll in the binary directory.<br><br>And in CmakeList.txt (B)<br>
<br>INSTALL( TARGETS ${LIBNAME} DESTINATION . PERMISSIONS<br>OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE<br>GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE<br>WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE )<br><br><br>However, i would like to have them directly in the executable output path.
Using the target all should be sufficient to generate the executable
and the new dll in the same directory.<br><br><br>Thanks,<br clear="all"><br>--<br>Benoit RAT<br><a href="http://www.neub.co.nr">www.neub.co.nr</a><br>