Hi All,<br><br>I am using boost library in my project and I want to link the boost static libraries into my project. How do i do this?<br><br>My project directory looks as below and each of the directories has the CMakeLists.txt file.<br>
<br>Project<br> |-Lib1<br> |-Lib2<br> |-Application<br><br>I am using the some of the boost libraries in the 'Application' directory apart from the Lib1 and Lib2 and the exe is built in Application directory itself. The boost librariess and the boost headers are present 'C:/Users/Admin/Boost/lib/windows' and 'C:/Users/Admin/Boost/boost'. Could you please tell how my CMakeList.txt for 'Application' directory should look?<br>
<br>I would appreciate any help in this regard. <br><br>Many thanks,<br>-Ram<br><br>