Hi,<br><br><br>How can I determine which parameters have been entered via command line, which come from the script and which from the cache?<br><br>For example:<br>--------<br>MESSAGE(STATUS "TEST (before): ${TEST}")<br>
SET(TEST "a")<br>MESSAGE(STATUS "TEST (after): ${TEST}")<br>
<br>C:\tmp>cmake . -G"MinGW Makefiles"<br>-- TEST (before):<br>-- TEST (after): a<br>C:\tmp>cmake .<br>-- TEST (before):<br>-- TEST (after): a<br>C:\tmp>cmake -D TEST=b .<br>-- TEST (before): b<br>-- TEST (after): a<br>
C:\tmp>cmake .<br>-- TEST (before): b<br>-- TEST (after): a<br><br>What I want to detect is how the parameter is set. Via the cache (4th step), via the command line (3rd step) or via the script (step 1/2)?<br><br>Can anyone help me with that?<br>