make<br>make test<br>ctest -T Coverage<br><br>Produces beautiful output on smaller projects I created but when I use it with our main large software, it doesn't produce the coverage files:<br><br>~/MainProject/trunk_build_coverage $ctest -VV -T Coverage<br>
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/brouwer/MainProject/trunk_build_coverage/DartConfiguration.tcl<br>Parse Config file:/home/brouwer/MainProject/trunk_build_coverage/DartConfiguration.tcl<br> Site: haptic1<br> Build name: Linux-c++<br>
Start processing tests<br>UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/home/brouwer/MainProject/trunk_build_coverage/DartConfiguration.tcl<br>Parse Config file:/home/brouwer/MainProject/trunk_build_coverage/DartConfiguration.tcl<br>Performing coverage<br>
COVFILE environment variable not found, not running bullseye<br> Cannot find any GCov coverage files.<br> Cannot find any Python coverage files.<br> Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.<br>
<br>If anybody has any pointers on how to proceed, I would be very grateful. I spend two days on getting it to work, but i'm out of ideas what to try next. Unfortunately the small projects I created to test coverage all work, only the larger more complicated project results in the above error... General testing and testing with valgrind work in this larger project, it's just the coverage test that fails to run. <br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>Iman Brouwer<br><br>P.S. Below are some essential parts of my configuration:<br><br>In have the following line in my main CMakeLists.txt:<br>INCLUDE(CTest)<br><br>and the following variables are in my CMakeCache.txt (flags taken from the cmake wiki )<br>
<br>//Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or<br>// CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.<br>CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug<br><br>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.<br>
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-g -O0 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wunused-variable -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-function -Wunused -Wno-system-headers -Wno-deprecated -Woverloaded-virtual -Wwrite-strings -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage<br>
<br>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.<br>CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-g -O0 -Wall -W -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage<br><br>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.<br>CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage<br>
<br>//Path to the coverage program that CTest uses for performing coverage<br>// inspection<br>COVERAGE_COMMAND:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/gcov<br><br>