<P>These files are needed for the build. The only way I found is to put include path in a variable and then used it in add_custom_command....</P>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #ff0000 2px solid">> Message du 17/10/08 à 19h04<BR>> De : "Alexander Neundorf" <A.NEUNDORF-WORK@GMX.NET><BR>> A : s.bedouet@voila.fr<BR>> Copie à : cmake@cmake.org<BR>> Objet : Re: [CMake] Problem with ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND and compiler<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> On Friday 17 October 2008, s.bedouet@voila.fr wrote:<BR>> > Hi,<BR>> > I try to generate preprocessed files with gcc (gcc -E) and<BR>> > ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND. I use INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES in order to specify where the<BR>> > include files are but this has not effect and so gcc generates an error :<BR>> <BR>> CMake generates rules to create the preprocessed files, enter "make help" and <BR>> there should be rules for <FILE>.i <BR>> You can then call these manually.<BR>> Or do you actually need these files in your build ?<BR>> <BR>> Alex<BR>> <BR>> </BLOCKQUOTE><br>
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