Bill - <br><br>I looked through the `Mastering Cmake` bible, and Web page.... Still a bit confused about that VS 2003 case:<br><br>1. When I run my executables test1, test2, test3... from within VS 2003 IDE - they manage to find foo.dll. Even though it is not within "Visual Studio PATH" but only within my 'regular' path; <br>
<br>2. 'RUN_TESTS' target, however, fails to find the .dll, since it is not within the 'VS PATH'. But if while `building' RUN_TESTS I'm involving CTest anyway, why it inherits the path from VS, not from 'regular' process on the system? <br>
Is there any way to do - at least one - of the following - <br><br> a. Disable appearance of 'RUN_TESTS' within Visual Studio? But to keep CTestsTestfile.cmake generated. In other words, to not have 'RUN_TESTS' in Visual Studio IDE, but be able to run ctest from the command shell? <br>
<br> b. To provide explicitly information about foo.dll location to CTest - set some CTEST_xyz variable, etc - in order CTest will be able to find the dll while running from 'RUN_TESTS', even though the VS does not have the route to foo.dll in its 'own' PATH? <br>
<br>I really like this simple but powerful testing capability and I do not want to disable it on VS 2003 installations... <br>Thanks for your attention to this matter. <br><br>Michael.<br>