Hello all,<br>Any body find problem in using FindBoost with cmake-2.6.<br><br>I'm using g++ compiler on SLES 10.0 with boost 1.35. <br><br>I'm able to find boost include dir and boost library dir, but some how I was not getting the boost components correctly.<br>
<br>I tried this.<br><br>Find_Package (Boost 1.35.0<br>COMPONENTS date_time filesystem signals)<br><br>I was getting Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND.<br><br>I've browsed the FindBoost.cmake file and found out a problem with STRING(REGEX REPLACE ...) command around line 377. <br>
<br>It is removing the '.' from the version number. I've modified the line removing the extra white space after the version number to this<br><br>STRING (REGEX REPLACE ".* ([0-9])\\.([0-9])\\.[0-9].*" "\\1\\2" _boost_COMPILER_VERSION ${_boost_COMPILER_VERSION})<br>
<br>Thought somebody can fix this in trunk.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Surya<br>